Home rounds and the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and their role within the care home

React To Home Rounds provides training and information about the home round and wider multi-disciplinary team (MDT) processes in line with Enhanced Health in Care Homes Framework guidance.
It gives best practice guidance around what ‘good’ looks like for care home and healthcare MDT working. Finally, it offers practical resources and process around how to identify if a resident is unwell as well as an escalation framework to support access to the right service at the right time.
These films and resources were designed and produced by Crocodile House.
You can find the resources below, however if you require a certificate as proof of completion then select the register button.
If you have any issues regarding registration or accessing resources please select the support button.
Registration to the e-learning platform is free and is provided by Your Hippo
If you receive a ‘page not found’ notice when trying to view videos on this site, please check with your IT department that you have access to do so.
Accompanying resources
FILM 1: What is a Home Round?
FILM 2: Healthcare Options for Your Residents
FILM 3: What is a Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting?
FILM 4: Is My Resident Unwell?
Personalised Care Training
Personalised care should be at the heart of all interaction with care home residents and compliments this this training package.
The personalised Care Institute offers e-learning modules to provide you with skills and knowledge around value and personalised care and how to work in a personalised care way. The modules are free and take around 30 minutes to complete. Topics include: Personalised Care – Core Skills, Personalised Care and Support Planning and Shared Decision Making. These modules provide a certificate and CPD points on completion.
For access just click this link: Your learning options (personalisedcareinstitute.org.uk) (Please note – when prompted to do so, please enter that you work in the Nottinghamshire ICB area.)