Understand, identify and manage frailty

React To Frailty has been designed by the Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS Frailty Group for all health and social care colleagues across the ICS. React To Frailty has been designed as a resource pack with two accompanying videos which explain how to use the Clinical Frailty Scale to identify different levels of frailty, and to improve awareness and understanding of what frailty means and how it can be managed. These films and resources were designed and produced by Crocodile House.
You can find the resources below, however if you require a certificate as proof of completion then select the register button.
If you have any issues regarding registration or accessing resources please select the support button.
Registration to the e-learning platform is free and is provided by Your Hippo
If you receive a ‘page not found’ notice when trying to view videos on this site, please check with your IT department that you have access to do so.